Jasmine Pixler Skully has firsthand experience living with and managing physical chronic comorbid health diseases and mental health challenges. While Jasmine has been living with invisible diseases from birth, she was not properly diagnosed until the age of 23. At which time she was diagnosed with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome or POTS and hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome or hEDS. Those diagnoses were soon proceeded by a few more: gastroparesis and intestinal dysmotility, along with fibromyalgia to name a few. Realizing that others must also be experiencing similar silent medical struggles, and empathizing with those feelings of helplessness that can come with them. She has also always been a creative and artistic person. Learning about art in its various forms and then creating something (i.e. ceramics, jewelry, photography, etc.) that brings beauty, happiness, or amusement to someone gives her great satisfaction. The act of creating brings both immense joys and is and has been a way for her to feel like she is contributing and giving back. She was inspired to bring to life Heart & Fox Fine Arts llc and thus create a platform through which she could help raise awareness of and support research on invisible and chronic illnesses. Jasmine has a goal to help others realize that they too have a voice.